Online Lottery Services of
GiantLottos Review
Giant Lottos is a lottery site that is simple to sign up for and even simpler to use. It is a go-to for a lot of lottery players because of its simplicity and its wide selection of lotteries to choose from.
Home to the largest international jackpots, Giant Lottos offers generous bonuses for those who play with them, and they even have a customer loyalty system that rewards those who frequently play their site. The site also offers regular discounts on different games, and the overall process is highly transparent and wholly reliable.
GiantLottos Extra Languages
Giant Lottos even offers something that a lot of other lottery sites do not, and that is the simple, yet important task of offering Afrikaans translations to make the site easier to use for everyone. This is helpful because it is one of the most popular sites that South Africans play on.
Alongside the Afrikaans language option, you can also play in English, Ukrainian, Spanish and Russian.
How To Play
Paying is simple, as you can do it through your credit card or by using e-payment if that is more comfortable for you. If there are any issues, they can easily be resolved with their customer support team that can be reached over the phone and through email.
Playing through Giant Lottos comes with a variety of play options for you to choose from. Individual play will let players buy single tickets using ad hoc basis choices, on a monthly subscription plan or in bulk. You can choose the bulk play options that allow you to get tickets in larger quantities and at discounts that range from 10 to 30 percent depending on how much you buy. The monthly subscription allows you to have a one-time account charge as well as a 10 percent discount on all standard ticket prices.
Mobile – Play on the Go
While there is no mobile application for Giant Lottos, it is simple to access the site on a computer or mobile device.
What Else
When you do, you can take advantage of the wide range of promotions they have, including a welcome bonus and discounts on buying more than five tickets at a time. The sign-up discount will give you a 10 percent discount on all tickets when you sign up for mailing, and then there are customer benefits that come in forms of things like free tickets once a month if you buy more than 20 each month.
Finally, the Green button bonus gives you a 50 percent discount once you have deposited more than 100 euros in your account.
Giant Lottos Banking
Banking is a simple and straightforward platform as well, and Giant Lottos uses credible professionals that help move money into the winners account. If there is an issue, there are contact details that can be used to get in touch with customer care to resolve them.
One of the fastest growing lottery companies, Giant Lottos makes sense that with so many lotteries to play and on such a trustworthy platform, it is one of the most popular sites around and has been for the last decade.
Is GiantLottos a Scam?
From what we can see is not a scam website. They have good customer service and we were able to purchase a ticket from their website pretty easily. the cost of the 3 Euromillions tickets was £15.90 (£5.30 per ticket) which is expensive when compared to other lotto agents such as Lottosend or LottoAgent but other than the relatively high price we very much liked their customer service and online lotto ticket purchase set-up. So they are definitely not a scam.
Last updated on 3rd of June 2018
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